As Zara does, with their packaging, and we can too. The good side of fast fashion.
Why content marketing?
According to the Content Marketing Institute, "Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues."
Client Indigeny Reserve named "best place to take a date"!
Lots of love for Indigeny Reserve. The constant tending to the customer base, little by little, builds unbreakable, committed relationships. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Essent
Client Drip Line Oakland is getting recognized.
Bob Cut Magazine: Bay Bites 2017: The 50 Meals In The Bay Area To Devour NOW! Drip Line included. That's executive chef Nora Dunning, second row, fourth from left. Very proud! The food is exceptional. You must visit!
Client Sojourn is immersing students in the Civil Rights Movement this week.
From E. Pleschner, adult participant on the current Sojourn to the Past journey: “Engagement with & between the kids is incredible. The preparation pre-trip gets them ready for something that's so deep, it seems beyond their comprehension, yet their responsiveness and comments prove how much they're not only getting, but retaining. It's more than subject matter and historic facts, and even more than becoming future activists, but creating conscientiousness that's beyond their years, and frankly beyond what many adults think they know. It's also about a much bigger picture for them as young adults, developing a level of understanding other people that truly sets them apart - in whatever path they take. I'M BLOWN AWAY!“
The price of greatness is responsibility.
Principled leadership and courage under fire look the same, now and then.
Right Now: Preparing to develop website UX, messaging, and content for celebrated Civil Rights-focused non-profit.
We are helping Sojourn to the Past, a transformative and empowering academic immersion program that takes students and educators through the hallowed sites of modern Civil Rights. We will produce a new website navigation infrastructure and user experience, messaging, content strategy, and copy. This effort is important, challenging, and delicate.
Right Now: Creating emotionally real content that's catnip for brides-to-be.
Global wedding photographer, photojournalist, and artist Ryan Greenleaf (he's the one in the middle) is the most approachable, creative, and fun person ever. But, how to say it in his new website content without sounding sappy, boastful, or stilted? Ryan's reply after reading our first draft, "...I love it!!" That makes us so happy.
Word Whisperer
We possess the unique marketing and inquiry tools necessary to infuse your business story with the essence of who you are and intrinsic value – as individuals and as a company. It's a personal journey of discovery and alignment that unearths diamonds.
Right Now: Developing multi-pronged social media & marketing strategy to attract prospects
Evoke does healing work. Good work. But, not enough people know about them in Pleasant Hill. Therefore, our strategy needed a wide net: Facebook advertising, boosts, posts and likes, direct mail, local events, meet 'n greets, peer to peer relationship building, offer testing, repositioning, fresh messaging, and reconfigured offerings.